With Liberty & Blues For All!

Until I get that radio talk show, this will have to do. After all, it's cheaper than therapy .....

10 May 2005


Y'know, I caught a lot of flack during the last exercise in futility that passed for an election in this country. Frequently my insistence that it didn't matter who won irked people (and I still stand by that assessment). As far as I could see, government was going to get larger (and correspondingly liberty was going to shrink) whether we got Shrub or Swiftee in the White House.

One particularly interesting response I got was to a mock campaign button I forged. I took a standard Bush button, and then cleverly superimposed the words: "Making Socialism Acceptable For Republicans" over it. Granted it wasn't an original thought --- but I was in a mood and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Needless to say, many a Bushie was taken aback. How could I possibly equate their man with the spread of socialism??

Well, if you care about these issues, may I direct your attention to
this story from my good friends at the Cato Institute.

Looks like I had that little old slogan right after all .....


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