With Liberty & Blues For All!

Until I get that radio talk show, this will have to do. After all, it's cheaper than therapy .....

13 October 2005

Goodthink Doubleplusgood

Granted 1984 is well behind us now, but in some ways Orwell was right on the mark .... especially when it comes to manipulating language. As some of you may recall, in Orwell's 1984 the government was engaged in a process of reducing the English language to a form that was adequate for communication, but prevented the discussion of deeper issues that may lead to disloyalty to Big Brother. The objective was to avoid "thoughtcrime" - the unpardonable sin of thinking outside of the lines.

In 2005 we have a similar process going on, only instead of calling it "thoughtcrime" the new buzzword is "discrimination". Seems a tavern in Mason, OH committed the unforgivable sin of putting a sign in the window which read: "For Service, Speak English". The Ohio Civil Rights Commission has ruled the sign "discriminatory". Apparently, the First Amendment, private property rights, and the rights of individuals to freely associate with individuals of their choosing are no longer valid. Even more infuriating is the nerve of these petty, race-hustling bureaucrats. According to the story, "... the tavern could be ordered to remove the sign, to pay for advertisements about nondiscrimination, and its staff could be ordered to undergo diversity training or cultural sensitivity training".

And what, exactly, is "diversity training" or "cultural sensitivity training"?? Simple. We used to call it "brainwashing". It's what the commies used to do in Russia or China during the 50's and 60's. It's supposed to be bad. When the reds did it we were appalled at the very notion that a human being could be stripped of their identity and beliefs, and then filled up with a new identity and set of beliefs that they previously would have found abhorrent. But times have changed. Nowadays, the Thought Police are out in force. There are, quite simply, ways of thinking that are for all practical purposes illegal. If you don't subscribe to the politically correct definitions of "diversity" and "sensitivity" you are wrong --- you do not just have a different opinion --- and the armed might of the state will be brought down on you to make you mend your ways.

The antidote to offensive speech is more speech. If a business does something you find offensive, don't patronize that business. Organize a boycott. Protest. Open a competing business and drive the offender under. As long as your actions are non-violent, you are well within your Constitutional rights. But using the power of the state to silence someone or force them into a re-education program is tyranny, regardless of the allegedly noble purpose behind it.


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