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30 October 2006

Playa hatin'

Saw this on TV and had to post it here, because it's a great example of street punkdom in the NFL. Chad Johnson, the Bengal's self-obsessed receiver, has requested that he be called by his number (85) in Spanish as a tip of the hat to Hispanic Heritage Month. Nice idea. Bad execution.

Seems old Chad, whose command of English is often lacking, didn't even bother to get the translation right, referring to himself as "ocho cinco" ("eight five") rather than "ochenta cinco" ("eighty five"). Hell, I can't speak Spanish to save my life, but it took me all of a minute to look up the proper form on the internet. It's not like it's classified information or anything.

But, he's Chad Johnson, he's got a gold mohawk, and the sporting and news establishment have their noses shoved so far up his keister that they could care less.

Let's hear it for promoting illiteracy in two languages.


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