With Liberty & Blues For All!

Until I get that radio talk show, this will have to do. After all, it's cheaper than therapy .....

08 December 2005

Just The Facts....

I'm really getting sick of this whole debate over whether to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays", as well as all the whining by Christians about how they're so persecuted. Personally, I'm perfectly happy to let individuals (and that includes businesses, etc.) decide how they wish to express themselves without making a federal case out of it. Just to be different, I like to respond to the greeting "Merry Christmas" with a response appropriate to the early history of the winter holidays .... something like "And may Odin spare you tonight". Most people don't get it, but it confuses them enough to let me make my escape before the fur flies.

However, just for the record, the holiday that we currently celebrate as "Christmas" is far older than Christianity. Granted the Christians borrowed it (at swordpoint, if necessary) and reconfigured it to fit their needs, but it is most definitely NOT their exclusive holiday. Don't believe me? Then take a few moments to visit The History Channel website for a nice overview of the holiday's history.

So enjoy your holidays, however you wish to celebrate them. I'm still celebrating the fact that I'm no longer in Wisconsin, and therefore am no longer snowed in and shivering from sub-zero cold.


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