With Liberty & Blues For All!

Until I get that radio talk show, this will have to do. After all, it's cheaper than therapy .....

23 January 2007

Let's Hear It For AirTran!

Amazing ... absolutely amazing. A commercial air carrier finally stands up for the rights of passengers not to be terrorized by uncontrolled children.

Seems that rather than hold up 112 people because some uncontrolled 3 year old brat wouldn't sit down and shut up, AirTran booted the monster and both parents from the flight.

Now mommy and daddy are mad at AirTran. Figures. One would hope that they'd perhaps take this as an indication that more discipline was required for their miserable little ankle-biter, but since they're from Taxachussetts, I doubt it will work out that way. Watch out for the new "No-Child-Having-A-Tantrum-Left-Behind" proposal, coming soon from a legislator near you.

Meanwhile, a bunch of touchy-feelie bedwetters in California want to make spanking illegal. Maybe we ought to take all the bleeding hearts from California and put them on planes with a bunch of uncontrolled, screaming 3 year olds and see if it changes their tune ....

20 January 2007

She's Back!

Well, the other shoe has dropped. Hillary is officially in the race for president in '08. I don't know whether I should be be glad or not. I think it's because she reminds me of Rosa Luxemburg: she's ideological (even if she attempts to pretend otherwise), she's focused, and she's pursuing a more modernized but equally socialist goal: to transform what's left of her country's constitutional government into a Euro-weenie-style welfare state. Granted this isn't any different in practice than what any other demopublican politician has done over the past 20 years or so, it's just a bit more out in the open.

I think I like that part. I mean, the problem with Shrub has always been that he's so crazed with superstition that you just feel like you can't reason with the man. I just know that conversations like this one went on in the White House before the whole mess in Iraq started:

Somebody: "But Mr. President, if we go into Iraq it will cost X, require Y troops, take Z years, and potentially bog down the economy and your presidency."

Shrub: "But god told me to do it".

I don't think we'll hear any reasoning like that from Hillary.

Plus, if there's ever any hope to restore liberty and constitutional government to America, I think someone like Hillary might be necessary. I realize this is betraying my youthful enthusiasm for the story line in Atlas Shrugged, but the sheeple don't pay attention to what's going on around them, and they don't think very deeply (thanks to a combination of government schools and years of religious indoctrination), and they don't want to be responsible for their own lives. They're basically happy to continue to transfer ever more power and money to government as long as their basic needs are met and they can watch American Idol on their big-screen plasma TVs. They're really not going to get riled up until things get really bad -- and I think Hillary is the kind of leader who could really send liberty spinning down the crapper in a relatively short period of time.

I say this because Hillary has "it", and "it" puts her in good company. A lot of famous leaders have had "it", including all the Kennedys, Richard Nixon, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro & Mao Zedong. Want to know what "it" is? "It" is the single-minded willingness to pursue power for the sake of power. Some politicians may be naive enough to believe that they're really trying to make the world a better place (like "Junior" John Edwards and perhaps even Ozone Al Gore), but not Hillary. She may not admit it, and her handlers will definitely try to put thick layers of sheep's clothing on this particular she-wolf, but she's out to rule, not to govern. And since we have a majority of people in this country who are more than willing to be ruled, I think her chances of winning the whole shootin' match are pretty good.

And then the American people will truly get the government they deserve.