With Liberty & Blues For All!

Until I get that radio talk show, this will have to do. After all, it's cheaper than therapy .....

09 April 2007

A Quick Observation

Don Imus' biggest mistake was not making questionable comments about a female basketball team. Granted that was not a particularly bright move, but it wasn't his biggest mistake. His biggest mistake was cowtowing to poverty pimps and race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. He should have apologized to the women he offended and then told Al and Jesse to take a flying leap. Hell, he was gonna get in trouble anyway ... why not do it for a good cause?

Besides, who elected these two well-heeled blowhards as the co-emperors of black people?? Isn't it pretty obvious by now that they and those like them absolutely live to be "offended"? If there isn't something to be "offended" about, they don't get headlines, TV interviews, and donations to their organizations. Every time we give in to this hypersensitive, race-baiting nonsense, we just insure that we'll get even more of it in the future.

Is that what you really want???


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